what we do
Evonovation is helping both private and public stakeholders to innovate in an evolutionarily-informed manner to make the world a bit better and at the same time a bit more humane.
Our concept of humanity is derived from our understanding of the human nature as it has evolved in Pleistocene. We understand human beings as profoundly biological creatures with innate needs and behavioral structures beneath a thin cultural surface. Based on this understanding, innovation only makes sense if it respects the special qualities of our evolved human nature and helps us make our lives more adaptive.
In this context, Evonovation is sharing the goals of its non-profit sister organization, AEPS, to foster and advance the practical application of evolutionary psychology. But above and beyond that, Evonovation is actively drawing on evolutionary concepts to practically develop sustainable solutions for real world problems. Ready to apply our approach in new fields, we are looking forward to be challenged by your needs.